Reincarnator Wikia

 Green Zone

Chapter 217 - 232

The Green Zone is a MMORPG world. Hansoo must choose a starting point and will have to travel across the Green Zone to a matching endpoint. There he can "log out" and go to the next (Blue) zone. The problem is that other players can die and revive, but Hansoo and the other humans will die permanently if killed. Other players perceive them as "bug characters" that can be killed without any punishments and will drop amazing artifacts. So they must survive the Green Zone while being hunted by all the (millions of) players.

Hansoo chooses to start at Bellum War Fortress to find a secret artifact in a nearby dungeon, "The Great Maze of the Ains". There, in the 4th level, he can find Solo numbering 3 Artifact <God's Flail>. After he gets that, he will go down to a secret area in the 5th level that no one has found at this time. To do that, he takes a skull on the first floor, when another player makes a scene by reactivating a red gem. A few things happen when the red gem activates; undead start attacking from everywhere, the maze is closed down, and a nearby kingdom starts to prepare for war against the Bellum War Fortress. Hansoo ignores all these and takes the skull and heads down.

Along the way, he meets up with other humans who he brings along with him, and gets found out as a "bug player" and is put on a blacklist by the bug-player-hunting-clan <Ant Eaters>. Once on the blacklist, all players in the game will attack him, thinking he is a bug player and he can never be safe again.

In the dungeon, one of the players turns out to be a disguised human. After Hansoo lets him go free, he comes back and invites Hansoo to the secret human village, <Ant Tunnels>.

Chapter 233 - 240

Hansoo meets the leader of the Ant Tunnels, <Kamiyou>, who has met the Prophet of the Ains. He therefore knows a bit of the Ains' history and guesses that Hansoo is here to break the cursed seal that suppresses the Ains. He agrees to help Hansoo and tries to convince the whole village to follow Hansoo as well.

During this time, the Scarlet Demons come into the maze to hunt Hansoo. They are considered the strongest of the bug player killers, all at level 250 (max), and 2 of them have weapons enhanced by S-rank Spirit Stones. It turns out that they had forced Kamiyou to create the Ant Tunnels and collect bug players for them, with the condition that only 10% would be killed every year. They therefore easily find the hidden village and start killing everyone. Hansoo holds them off while the rest go to the hidden seal. Hansoo manages to kill 10 of their strongest members and joins the rest of the village at the cursed seal. He is unable to stop either the mana or the seal itself, so instead he chooses to remove the item that binds it all together. This item is <God's Flail>.

Chapter 241 - 258

God's Flail puts Hansoo through a test to determine his worthiness. He passes and gets the help of 66,666 souls which he has to absorb. He uses it to easily defeat the Scarlet Demons, and the humans use this opportunity to hunt the rest of the players in the dungeon. Thus they all level up quickly and get strong items. The Ain Prophet appears and allies herself with Hansoo, but then <Arthus Krancheska> comes to retrieve God's Flail.

Hansoo tells the humans to carry out a certain mission while he and the Ain Prophet distract Arthus and later defeat him through the use of his new skill <Physical Resistance Nullification>, which is the 5th skill of Nurmaha's Ring.

Chapter 259 - 264

The humans head to the War Fortress while Hansoo calls up the humans from the Yellow Zone. They meet up at the War Fortress and band together. Hansoo told all of them to take control of the Golden Dragon Formation which controls all the mana from the dungeon node. Hansoo and the Ain prophet finish their fight with Arthus and proceed to the War Fortress to help out. Eloa, who was left in charge of the Formation, realizes she can't defeat them and uses her ultimate defensive skill to cover the entire formation forcing Hansoo to use the full Nine Dragons Spear. Before Hansoo could take control of the formation, Clementine's underling with the dark aura summons an extremely strong person by using some yet to be known favor. This person is Tiamet Kratus, who is the strongest person in the empire and has lived for a thousand years. He attempts to kill Hansoo through a small dimensional portal only large enough for his finger due to being unable to leave the White Dragon Arena, but the Ain Prophet, Mudusella, manages to close his portal. At the same time, she gives the Ain's blessing to Hansoo (as a symbol on his chest) and teleports him to the Spirit Lands.

Chapter 265-274

Hansoo figures out he is supposed to cross the mountain range. He follows the symbol on his chest for 3 days while fighting through the beasts and players in the Spirit Lands. He finally finds something underneath the ice but is surrounded by the players who are chasing him. He uses the Nine Dragons Spear to blast a hole into the ground and found something buried. He goes through the walls using Nurmaha's Ring and realizes it is a large spaceship that has been buried for a long time. He hopes to find a proper spirit in here and not just a spirit stone. The players try to follow him but are repelled by the spaceship walls.

Jang Oh teleports over at the command of Tiamet Kratus and is ordered to kill Hansoo. They fight and more things are revealed about Jang Oh's back story. Jang Oh is one of Clementine's Dark Lords who stayed back in the Green Zone. Clementine came to an agreement with Tiamet that she would control and limit the movements of the humans in return for allowing her people to go safely from a certain login zone to the logout zone at the capital. Tiamet agreed since he feared that the humans would cross the mountain range and find something there that he wished to stay hidden. Jang Oh then started the Anteater Clan with the purpose of killing off bug players (humans) that were not on Clementine's side.

Jang Oh used his spirit of darkness to fight Hansoo but started losing. Taehee took over his body and wanted to talk to Hansoo but Hansoo just started fighting her. Hansoo manages to defeat him/her and Jang Oh runs away, but meanwhile a player has activated the ship's engine. Hansoo finds out that the Ain's blessing that Mudusella gave him actually has administrator privileges and can control the spaceship.

Chapter 275-283

Hansoo starts to question the control panel of the ship about the object of the ship, it is revealed it is a colony ship, and if the race that constructed the ship is still present on the planet, it doesn't know, while Hansoo was pondering about the answers of the ship it warns him about a tremendous amount of energy which is about to hit the external shell and shield, the ship turns most of its energy to its shields, after it is hit it says that the orginal object can not be completed, colonize a new planet, due to the damage and instead reverts to go to the closest shelter, which is located behind the mountain range. The cannon from the capital keeps firing at the ships while it crosses the mountain range, Hansoo is worried the ship can not make it and be destroyed before it can go behind the mountain range, before reaching the top of the mountin range Hansoo's consciousness is sucked in himself and he collapse on the ground.

Hansoo has to fight with the spirit to gain his power meanwhile Tiamet stops the attack with the cannon, which was charged by the Rangkom's Stake of Tiamet, beacuse he realizes it will not destroy the ship before it can go behind the mountain range. He decides to leave the White Dragon arena to deal with Hansoo himself but before going to what lies between the mountain range he goes to the war fortress which is held by the adventures, after arriving in a very short amount of time he destroys the barrier around the fortress with just 2 strikes.

Tiamet decides to destroy half the population of adventures but before he can start the slaughter Mudusella stops him. Meanwhile Hansoo has won and can control the spirit, the ship went past the mountain range and landed but it has taken huge damage from the cannon, Hansoo wants to gather some info but the control panel of the ship is unusable and the spirit despite it has to give Hansoo his power it hasn't any obligation to give him intel and indeed he does so. So Hansoo comes out from the destroyed ship to find that there is a huge tower which height is over 12 kilometres surrounded by a deserted and frozen city in the distance, after speculating the original owners of the ship lived in that city and now are all dead he moves towards the giant tower.

Tiamet is in the Spirit land moving north at an extreme speed, it is revealed Mudusella told him about Hansoo to make him go after him leaving alone the adventures, but entering in the Spirit land starts to gnaw away at his mana but due to his gargantuan mana pool he can go north despite not having the protection elixirs or ain's blessing, he arrives at the mopuntain range and starts to climb it. Meanwhile Hansoo is still going towards the tower when he feels Tiamet is reaching the top of the mountain range behind the shipwreck, he is really surprised a monster such as Tiamet come out himself to catch him, while he starts to wonder if he has a chance to win he ponders about what he planned in the past about unexpected events he will find in the past, he remembers everybody has his own plan but also personal wills they would have looked to if they were able to come back to the past in his place, as Hansoo finds out he can not remember his personal desires linked to come back to the past he gets a painful headache. Tiamet reaches the top of the mountain range, after a moment he founds out Hansoo location and goes after him.

Hansoo manages to reach the outskirt of the tower before Tiamet reaches him, Tiamet is greatly weakened by the strong mana storm while Hansoo is totally protected by the spirit but despite that there is still an enormous power difference between them. Tiamet start to attack him as soon as he can with the Rangkom's Stake which fire out rays of pure white light, Hansoo activates all defensive skills along with the racial metamorphosis and also fire out 3 dragons with the 9 dragon spear skill, despite that the white ray is still stronger. Hansoo realizes Tiamet is beyond his imaginations and also says he could be able to survive in the abyss despite being the weakest creature in it. Suddenly Tiamet stops to attack Hansoo, he is surprised by the fact he has 3 skills of annihilation (the zero numberings), he says his soul can not endure it and that it will be eventually destroyed by the might of these skills. Meanwhile in the Spirit lands Mudusella and the ains prevent the adventures from going to help Hansoo beyond the mountain range because they would be just dead weight in the fight.

The wrecked ship complets the reactivation of the external shields it started after the crash, riactivating the shields the interior of the ships comes back to be an abitable place, some players who have been killed resurrect inside the ship thanks to the Stones of Immortality and start to search inside the ship. Hansoo continues to fight with Tiamet in the outskirt of the tower while the mana storm storm keeps.. storming. Tiamet notes Hansoo's sould is damaged but despite that he recognizes Hansoo's estreme potential and so decides to kill him, he starts to put more power in his attacks. Hansoo realizes that if things keep going that way he will surely lose, he decides to reach the tower because Tiamet went all the way from the White Dragon arena to rpevent him from doing so, so ther eis probably something he can use gaianst him, and he does so using the force behind an attack from Tiamet to litterally smash into the tower, but the moment he comes inside it he realizes there is nothing inside it and also that the mana storm is nullified in it, Tiamet mocks him. Before Tiamet can attack Hansoo again pain start to ache next to his hearth, the huge mana pool he was accumulating in the White Dragon arena since 1000 years ago in order to achieve trascendence starts to go on a rampage because it is still unstable and he left the White Dragon arena before he can stabilize it, he supposes this will take another few centuries for him in the arena to fix the damage, enraged with Hansoo he swears he will kill not only him but everyone he holds dear, all the adventures of the Green zons and also all the ones who will come in the future. Meanwhile Hansoo is invaded by the pain in his heads which grows by the second, while his hearthbeat along with the pain reach the apex something pops in Hansoo mind and also Tiamet frowns at the sight.

Hansoo regains consciousness and finds out he is again inside his mind, where he stores his memories to be precise, with the spirit, the spirit explains him that if things keep going on this way he is gonna lose and that they have only one chance to come out alive from this situation. Fusion. Hansoo and spirit could cooperate and slowly sincronize and synch their powers to become more powerfull and be able to fully control the spirit, since he is not from the enanched race (the ains) who can control him immediately. If he manages to control him completely not only will become stronger but also be able to control the tower which can control the mana storm and so easily trump on Tiamet but the let down of the fusion is that only one between Hansoo and the spirit can survive the process. The spirit is quite confident in his victory since Hansoo soul is already damaged bu the prolonged use of the annihilitaion skills and broken body from the fight with Tiamet. The process of the fusion is not a battle but instead each one will go thorough the memories of the other and endure them until he can go on.

Hansoo starts to go thourgh the memories of the spirit gaining in the process a huge amount of information about this world's aborigenals and basically uncovering every mistery realted to them. The spirit original owner was Mudusella which is a creation of Napallem, a genius scientist which created Mudusella along with other 100 enetites like her, the MDS (Mudusella is MDS-17) along with the spirits themselfs. The aborigenal were like the humans at first, then they started to develop amazing technologies until when they discovered mana nodes under the surface of the planet, thanks to them they developed further they civilization but that provoked a huge mana storm which swallowed the whole plant making it inhabitable, then Napallem created the tower(s) (one on the other side of the planet) to protect the people in the city around the tower from the mana storm, despite that the number of people was stil too high to permit the whole population to survive. Napallem invented a virtual reality where ha can "lock in" the 3rd class population, the ones who were deemed as useless by the society. Then he created the MDS series and the TMT series along with colony ships in order to colonize a far off planet called "Tiamet". MDS series original object was to forsee the future, thanks to huge calculating power supplied by the tower and by the 3rd class population trapped in the virtual world, and give punctual sceneries to the 1st class citizens which planned the colonization while the TMT (Tiamet) series was to protect the aborigenals from the dangers of planet Tiamet. While trapped inside the spirit consciousness and inside Mudusella bodies he meets TMT-17 who is non other than Tiamet himself. The 1st class citizens along with the 2nd class are planning the colonization while the 3rd class is busy with the reality world they choosed upon reality. Tiamet has a chip which controls his behavior and prevents him from attacking the citizens
